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March 29th Qingqiao Morning Post | Singapore container ship crashes into an American bridge, causing 20 people and multiple cars to fall into the river
Release time:2024-03-29 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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Cultivate oneself at the beginning, observe others search for the end
Today in history:On this day 133 years ago, French painter George Seurat passed away. His representative works include "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Big Bowl" and "The Bathhouse of Anel". Shura maintains certain principles of Impressionism, uses plot as the theme, depicts contemporary life, loves scenery, and closely pays attention to light and dark effects. He is also considered a pioneer of abstract painting in the 20th century.


01The elected President and Vice President of Indonesia begin to form a cabinet

According to news from Jakarta, on March 25th, the elected Vice President of Indonesia, Gibran, revealed to the media that he and the elected President, Prabowo, have held closed door talks in Jakarta regarding the formation of a cabinet.

It is reported that Gibran is the eldest son of current Indonesian President Joko and the deputy partner of Defense Minister Prabowo in the presidential election. They won the presidential election last month with58.6% of the votes won in one fell swoop. Prabowo received support from nine political parties in this election, but only four parties met the threshold for entering parliament, namely the Gorka Party, the Greater Indonesian Movement Party, the Democratic Party, and the National Mission Party. Among them, the Gorka Party ranks second in parliament with 15.3% of the vote and is expected to receive the most allocated cabinet positions. The Greater Indonesian Movement Party led by Prabowo ranks third and is believed to hold an important position in the next government.

Although the former governor of Central Java, Ganchal, supported by the Struggle Democratic Party, was defeated in the presidential election, the party still managed to maintain its leading position in parliament with the highest number of votes, which means that the Struggle Democratic Party is expected to win the position of Speaker. But the Gorka Party earlier stated that it still has a chance to win the position of Speaker. It is expected that there will be significant turbulence in the Indonesian political arena in the coming period.


military affairs
01Japan lifts ban on exporting combat weapons

Tokyo news,March 26th, dayAt the Cabinet meeting of this government, it was decided to lift the ban on the export of next-generation fighter jets jointly developed by Japan, the United Kingdom, and Italy to third countries, and to revise the operational guidelines of the Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment and establish strict export guidelines,And indicate not to export to war-torn areas to avoid disputes. This decision marks a significant shift in Japan's defense policy.

According to the revised implementation policy of the Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment, the weapons that Japan can directly export to third countries are limited to those that are being jointly developed with the UK and ItalyA new type of fighter jet. At the same time, the exporting country must have signed a defense equipment export agreement with Japan and cannot be in a war. In addition, export cases will be reviewed by cabinet meetings.It is reported that,The export target countries currently confirmed by the Japanese government are15, in addition to the joint research and development countries of the UK and Italy, there are also the United States, Germany, India, the Philippines, and others.

02The Security Council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the first time

United Nations comprehensive news,On March 25th, the United Nations Security Council, with the United States abstaining, passed a resolution for the first time calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas during the Islamic month of Ramadan, in order to achieve a lasting ceasefire. The resolution also calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as the elimination of all obstacles to large-scale humanitarian assistance.

It is reported that the United States has changed its stanceIt is because of growing disappointment with Israel, especially Israel's refusal to give up expanding military operations to the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah. French President Macron also reiterated at the meeting his opposition to any military action by the Israeli military in Rafah to combat Hamas, and urged Israel to immediately open all ports of entry into Gaza. And forcibly occupy and requisition the West Bank of the Jordan River by IsraelWe strongly condemn the use of 800 hectares of land for the establishment of new settlements, stating that this is the largest land encroachment in decades.



01Cocoa exceeds $9000 per metric ton, reaching a historic high

Bloomberg reported that on March 25th, cocoa futures surged over $700 per day in New York, exceeding $9000 per metric ton for the first time. The increase further widened after news of financing challenges faced by Ghana, the world's second largest cocoa growing country. In the end, the New York cocoa futures quoted $9649 per metric ton, a daily increase of $710, or 7.94%.

Only inIn March, cocoa futures prices rose by about 60%, and have more than doubled this year. The rise in cocoa prices will lead to a full year of chocolateThe cost of labor has increased. Due to last year's price increase, Easter eggs, an egg shaped chocolate snack, have become more expensive. Currently, some manufacturers are limiting the size of eggs or promoting varieties containing other ingredients to mitigate the impact.



01Singapore container ship crashes into US bridge

Washington News: On March 26th, a major bridge in the industrial city of Baltimore on the east coast of the United States was hit and collapsed by a Singaporean registered container ship, causing 20 people and multiple cars on the bridge to fall into the river.

Closed circuit television footage shows a container ship collidingThe piers of the Francis Scott Key bridge suddenly broke into several pieces and fell into the Patapsco River below. In the video, you can see the dotted lights on the bridge deck, and when the steel bridge body breaks, vehicles fall into the water one after another. According to ship tracking data from the London Stock Exchange Group, the "Dali" container that collided with the bridge was 289 meters long, flying the Singapore flag, owned by Grace Ocean Pte Ltd and managed by the Singapore ship management company Synergy Marine Group.

Maersk, a container carrier headquartered in Denmark, confirmed that the container ship was rented by Maersk at the time and carried the customer's goods. This ship is scheduled to depart Baltimore early Tuesday morning, next monthArrived in Colombo, India on the 22nd. At present, Maryland has declared a state of emergency throughout the state and requested the federal government to allocate resources. Singapore has also expressed its full cooperation in investigating the cause of the accident.

02Malaysia experiences consecutive days of high temperatures

On March 25th, according to data from Malaysia's meteorological department, nearly half of the country has experienced temperatures reaching 35 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days, and the hot and dry weather is expected to continue until mid April. Extreme high temperatures caused a 22-year-old manDeath from heatstrokeExacerbating the risk of water shortage and causing crop yield losses.

Malaysian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nenazmi said in an interview that authorities are using drones to investigate easily combustible peatlands and monitor dam water levels. The government alsoWe will study how to protect construction workers who work hard for hours under the scorching sun. In addition, Malaysia is also collaborating with the United Nations Climate Bank and the Green Climate Fund to develop a national adaptation plan that will address issues related to water security, agriculture, infrastructure, and public health brought about by climate change.


01The 4th China ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation Theme Short Video Competition Awards Ceremony Successfully Held

According to the Cambodian China Times, on March 26th, the award ceremony for the 4th China ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation Theme Short Video Competition was successfully held in Nanning, Guangxi. Chinese and Southeast Asian leaders attended the award ceremony. Among them, Overseas Chinese University and Cambodia National Television were awarded the Excellent Organization Award, and the Propaganda Department of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee was awarded the Special Contribution Award.

It is reported that ChinaThe ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation Theme Short Video Competition was officially launched in 2020 and has been held for four consecutive sessions. This competition event aims to build dreams by connecting hearts and mindsSince its official launch in September 2023, with the theme of "coming", more than 20000 works have been collected, and related topics have been displayed nearly 25 million times on domestic and foreign new media platforms, reaching over 6 million ASEAN audiences.

Financial Newsletter
Futures Daily News: Since the Spring Festival, the divergence between long and short positions in the methanol market has been increasing. Between February and March, the 2405 contract repeatedly hit the upper edge of the 2550 yuan/ton range, eventually breaking through in mid March and reaching a peak of 2620 yuan/ton on March 19th.


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