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May 8th Qingqiao Morning Post | Russia to Hold Non Strategic Nuclear Weapon Exercise
Release time:2024-05-08 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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A single thread cannot form a thread, and a single tree cannot form a forest
Today in history:230 years ago today, the famous French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier passed away. Lavoisier was famous for proposing the theory of oxidation. He recognized and named oxygen and hydrogen, helped build measurement systems, wrote the first extensive list of elements, and wrote the first truly modern chemistry textbook, "Basic Treatise on Chemistry," which is revered as the "father of modern chemistry" by later generations.


01Thailand announces former Ambassador Mali as Minister of Foreign Affairs

Bangkok News: Recently, the Thai government announced that former Ambassador Mahari has been appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is reported that the 65 year old Mari holds a Master's degree in Political Science from Ohio University in the United States. He joined the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986 and was sent to Brussels in 1989. Before retiring, he served as Thailand's ambassador to multiple countries including Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and was an advisor to Thailand's outgoing Foreign Minister Bambi.

Due to the Myanmar military government's delayed implementation of the five point consensus reached with ASEAN in the past three years, Thailand has been urging ASEAN to actively seek a solution to the Myanmar crisisPlan. At present, Thailand is strengthening diplomatic efforts to address the challenges posed by the escalating internal turmoil in Myanmar, and is expected to take over this thorny issue after taking office. Previously, Thailand proposed to Laos, the current rotating chairman of ASEAN, to hold a meeting with Indonesia and Malaysia to discuss how to resolve the Myanmar crisis. ThailandIn March, a humanitarian initiative aimed at paving the way for negotiations between the warring parties in Myanmar's civil war was also launched.

02The pro Pakistani protests in American universities are spreading, and police are entering schools to arrest people

Los Angeles News: The pro Palestinian protests in the United States have spread to more university campuses. From April 24th to 25th, pro Palestinian students were arrested in universities in Los Angeles, Boston, Austin, and other places, totaling over 500 people. Some riot police even used chemical smoke agents and electric guns to disperse the crowd on campus. Photographers were accused of covering up the protesters and were dragged to the ground by law enforcement officers.

The Atlanta Police Department, the capital of Georgia in the United States, said that Emory University called the police and demanded their intervention. When the police arrived, they were met with violent resistance from students and had to useChemical irritants disperse crowds. The footage broadcasted by relevant media shows that some students had physical conflicts with the police, who used electric shock gunsOne of them was subdued, and many students were crushed to the ground before being taken away by the police. Princeton University in New Jersey, USA, also reported to the police. After the police arrived, they dismantled the newly built tents of students and more than 100 people were arrested. In response to the university protest, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that it was a "symbol of democracy" and that American citizens had the freedom and right to express their views, concerns and anger.


military affairs
01Russia will hold non strategic nuclear weapon exercises

Moscow News: On May 6th, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it will hold non strategic nuclear weapons exercises in response to Western officials threatening to deploy NATO forces to Ukraine. According to insiders, this exercise was ordered by President Putin to test the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. The Ministry of National Defense did not specify the exercise date, but stated that there will be participation from the air force, navy, and troops stationed near Ukraine; The purpose of the exercise is to ensure Russia's territorial integrity in the face of Western threats.

Previously, French President Macron stated in an interview with The Economist that heSending troops to Ukraine is not ruled out. British Foreign Minister Cameron said that Kiev has the right to attack targets within Russian territory. European intelligence officials believe that Russia has begun to be more actively preparing for direct or indirect communicationThrough agents, secret bomb attacks, arson, and infrastructure destruction are carried out in Europe, with little regard for whether these actions will cause civilian casualties. Russia has launched a fierce attack on this.

02Türkiye is willing to provide Malaysia with the fifth generation fighter

Kuala Lumpur comprehensive news, recently, Harukgorgon, the director of Türkiye's defense industry, said in an interview with Malaysian media that Türkiye's government is ready to invite Malaysia to carry out defense cooperation plans, including providingThe fifth generation of the Khan fighter jet is designed to meet Malaysia's air defense needs. Harukgorgon said that through cooperation with Türkiye, Malaysia can obtain the latest technology and expertise, accelerate its national defense capabilities and promote the development of Malaysia's national defense industry. Türkiye can benefit from Malaysia's R&D, manufacturing capacity and regional knowledge. This cooperation model has a positive impact on bilateral relations and regional security.

It is understood that Türkiye is one of the five countries in the world that can independently develop and produce the fifth generation fighter, and the other four are the United States, Russia, China and South Korea."Khan" is the fifth generation fighter project launched by Türkiye's aviation and aerospace industry in December 2010. Its first flight took place on February 21 this year. This isA multi-purpose fighter jet capable of performing tasks such as air to air combat, air to ground attacks, espionage, and electronic warfare. Türkiye hopes to replace American F-16 fighter planes with "Khan".



01Microsoft invests $1.7 billion in Indonesia

Jakarta Comprehensive News,On April 30th,Microsoft CEO NadellaHe held talks with Indonesian President Joko in Jakarta and subsequently announcedInvestment will be made1.7 billion US dollars,Building cloud computing and artificial intelligence infrastructure in Indonesia. It is understood that,This is Microsoft'sIndonesiaThe largest investment in 29 years of business operation.

NadellaIt also revealed that IndonesiaBali and the new capital Nushandara have been proposed as potential locations for Microsoft to build research and data centers in Indonesia. reachIn 2025,MicrosoftWill help Southeast Asia2.5 million people receive training in artificial intelligence skills, including 840000 in IndonesiaPeople.Currently,Microsoft is betting on artificial intelligence generation technology to regain its leading position in the industry and sees Asia as a major market and talent pool.



01More than 20000 people have been displaced by rainstorm in southern Brazil

According to Brazilian news, since April 29th, more than half or at least 265 cities in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil have been severely affected by storms, with many roads and bridges destroyed, multiple communities experiencing water, electricity, and internet outages, and all schools closed. Days of rainstorm triggered floods and landslides, killing at least 56 people, leaving about 70 missing and more than 24000 displaced. The authorities have warned that up to four dams in the affected areas are at risk of collapse, and the disaster situation may further worsen.

In possession of approximatelyIn Porto Alegre, the capital of the state with a population of 1.5 million, many streets were flooded after days of rainstorm. The water level of the local Kuyaba River is estimated to have risen to 4.2 to 4.6 meters, putting pressure on the dam and posing an unprecedented flood threat. It is understood that the worst recorded flood in Port Allegri occurred in 1941, when the river water level reached 4.71 meters. In other words, this disaster is comparable to the Great Flood of that year.

Climate experts point out that in the state of Rio Grande do SulAt the special geographical location where the tropical and polar atmospheres intersect, a weather pattern with occasional heavy rainfall and occasional drought is formed. This situation is exacerbated by climate change, making it easy to experience more extreme climates and trigger more severe natural disasters.


01Overseas Chinese Library Established Cambodia Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce Drifting Station

According to Vietnamese news agency, the 2024 Vietnam Film and Television Technology Exhibition will be held from June 6th to 8th at the Saigon Convention and Exhibition Center in Ho Chi Minh City. The 2024 Vietnam Film and Television Technology Exhibition brings together many leading companies, producers, and suppliers in the field of film and television technology from Vietnam and around the world. This is also a trading venue for content and technology, creative application equipment, and related services in the field of film and television technology. It is expected that this year's exhibition will attract more than 300 companies from over 25 countries and regions around the world, showcasing content creation, scripts, equipment and technology, games, publishing, film and television post production, and auxiliary technology.

It is reported that the Vietnam Film and Television Technology Exhibition is an annual event specifically aimed at television stations, digital platform organizations, and content, television programs, and animation creation units. This activity not only helps Vietnam's domestic film and television market acquire new content from around the world, but also helps to integrate Vietnam's electricityThe film industry is being pushed abroad to promote the comprehensive integration of Vietnamese film art and culture.

Financial Newsletter
London financial news: Recently, WTI crude oil futures closed up 0.47% at $78.48 per barrel; Brent crude oil futures rose 0.44% to $83.33 per barrel.


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