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May 16th Qingqiao Morning Post | The world's largest decarbonization plant operates in Iceland
Release time:2024-05-16 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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Xingtian dances with dry Qi, and fierce determination is always present
Today in history:27 years ago today, Wang Zengqi, a contemporary Chinese novelist, essayist, and playwright, passed away. His representative works include "Taking Precepts," "Dinner Flower Collection," and "Drifting Water.". Wang Zengqi's works lack the painstaking management of structure and do not pursue the mysterious and profound themes. Instead, they are plain and simple, telling the story as usual, using personalized and trivial themes to beautify daily life. He is also known as a representative figure of Beijing style writers.

01Thailand's reclassification of marijuana as a drug has sparked criticism and protests

Bangkok News: On May 8th, Thai Prime Minister Saita stated that marijuana will be reintroduced into the fifth level of drug control by the end of this year, and reiterated the need to vigorously combat the drug problem, but will allow marijuana to continue to be used for medical and health purposes. This has sparked strong dissatisfaction among marijuana industry and advocacy groups, claiming to hold street demonstrations and class action lawsuits to oppose the government's reversal of marijuana legalization policies.

The owner of a marijuana themed coffee shop in the capital Bangkok, Rathapong, said that the government's reclassification of marijuana as a drug would only lead to a black market in the marijuana trade. He pointed out that repeated policies may not only damage the confidence of foreign investors, but may also form a negative impact on the industryThe widespread chain reaction has led to the closure of legitimate marijuana companies, unemployment of workers, and loss of income for farmers who grow marijuana.

It is understood that the Thai governmentIn 2018, marijuana was approved for medical and research purposes, and in 2022, marijuana was acquitted. Currently, there are nearly 8000 marijuana shops operating locally, and over one million households have registered with the authorities to cultivate marijuana. If marijuana is re listed as a drug, it means that "producing, selling, exporting, importing or possessing" marijuana plants or using marijuana is illegal. Once convicted, one can be sentenced to 15 years in prison or fined up to 1.5 million Thai baht.

02Japan forces future generations to inherit vacant houses

The Lianhe Zaobao reported that in Japan, where the elderly and fewer children are living, the problem of vacant housing caused by housing surplus is a headache for the government. According to the latest data, vacant houses that are left unattended throughout Japan are9 million sets, an increase of 1.9 times from 20 years ago. Most of these vacant houses are dilapidated, not only damaging the landscape, but also posing risks of collapse. The authorities are working to increase taxes and fines to urge future generations to pay for the negative assets left by their ancestors. According to a housing and land statistics survey released by the Japanese Ministry of General Affairs on April 30th, the number of vacant houses in Japan has surged, accounting for 13.8% of the total number of houses. In other words, Japan has 14 vacant houses for every 100 houses.

To this end, Japan revised the Special Measures for Vacant Housing Act, which expanded the scope of the new regulationsThe scope of "problem vacant houses". According to regulations, even if the degree of damage to a house is small, it may be judged as "poorly managed" and will be excluded from low property taxes. In addition, in order to force future generations to inherit the old houseThe authorities also stipulate that the renaming procedures must be completed within a certain period of time after the owner's death, otherwise fines will be imposed.


military affairs
01Russia replaces Defense Minister

Moscow News: Recently, Russian President Putin replaced the Defense Minister more than two years after the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and unexpectedly nominated Belousov, who was originally the First Deputy Prime Minister, as the new Defense Minister. The former Defense Minister Shoigu was appointed as the Secretary of the Russian Federal Security Council. The Kremlin explained that the Ministry of Defense must be brave enough to "innovate" and ensuring that defense spending aligns with the overall national interest is crucial for the replacement of defense chief candidates.

It is understood that Belousov has no military background and his expertise is in economics. In the pastTen years is one of the most influential economic advisors around Putin. Analysts believe that Putin's appointment of an economic specialist as Minister of Defense indicates his intention to change his combat strategy and increase pressure on Ukraine. Senior researcher at the Eurasian Center in Russia, Baonov, told the media that the replacement of the defense minister may mean that Putin plans to win the war through the defense industry and the international market. Russia's current strategy is not to mobilize troops and achieve breakthroughs on the front line, but to utilize the Russian militaryThe relatively strong advantages of the Federation of Trade Unions and the entire economy are slowly exerting pressure on Ukraine.



01The UK economy grew by 0.6% in the first quarter of this year

Reuters News,On May 10th,The UK Office for National Statistics announced that in the first three months of this year, the UK's gross domestic product increased0.6% is the strongest growth since the fourth quarter of 2021, with a growth rate of 1.5%. Conservative Prime Minister Sunak said to the latest numbersJoyfulAnd claimed that the British economy has turned the tide.BritainFinance Minister HunterRepresent,Undoubtedly, these years have been difficult,But the growing data indicates thatSince the outbreak of COVID-19, the UK economy has fully recovered for the first time.

It is understood that since the outbreak of COVID-19,Factors such as inflation and energy crisis have pushed up the cost of living in the UK,BritainPublic sector workers held multiple large-scale strikes last year, involving multiple industries from healthcare to railways. Protesters strongly demanded salary increases to cope with the increasingly severe economic pressure. However, these strikes have recently decreased, leading to growth in industries such as retail, public transportation, and healthcare. Nevertheless, the UK remains one of the countries with the slowest economic recovery after the pandemic. Reuters reported that as of the end of the first quarter of this year, the size of the UK economy was only slightly larger thanAt the end of 2019, the pre pandemic level increased by 1.7%.



01North Korean hackers invade South Korean court systems

Reported by Yonhap News Agency and Radio France International on May 11thThe South Korean government has released a joint investigation result stating that the court system in South Korea has been invaded by the North Korean hacker group Lazarus Group at least two years ago, which stole over 5000 personal information from South Korea through eight servers set up domestically and internationally, with a leakage scale of approximately 1014GB. The confirmed leaked information includes a written statement, a statement of increased debt and inability to pay, proof of marital relationship, and a diagnosis letter; It includes sensitive personal information such as Korean personal name, ID card number, financial information and medical records.

It is reported that the Korean court was first established inOn February 9, 2023, it was discovered that an internal system had been installed with malicious programs. Although it had been blocked, further investigation could not be conducted. Therefore, assistance was sought from the National Academy of Sciences. However, at the same time, there were also cases of invasion of the Election Management Committee in South Korea, so the State Council was unable to provide sufficient support. It was not until November 2023, when the media exposed this matter, that the Supreme Court officially notified the Personal Assets Protection Commission and cooperated with the State Council to officially begin an investigation; But due to the passage of time, most of the informationDue to exceeding the storage period and being deleted, the authorities are currently only able to confirm 4.7GB of data and only confirm that it has been hacked by restoring these data. This means that the proportion of leaked information that the South Korean authorities still cannot confirm is as high as 99.5%. This is the first time that the South Korean judiciary has discovered a hacker intrusion, sparking public attention to the security management of judicial institutions. The hospital stated that it will invest more budget and manpower to strengthen the management of information security, and continue to try to confirm the content of leaked information.

02The world's largest decarbonization plant operates in Iceland

Iceland Comprehensive News,On May 8th, the world's largest carbon capture facility was put into operation in Iceland, estimated to extract 36000 tons of carbon from the atmosphere each year, equivalent to reducing emissions from 7800 gasoline powered vehicles each year. It is understood that this carbon capture facility called Mammoth was built by Swiss company Climeworks starting in June 2022. Mammoth can accommodate 72 "collection containers", which act like giant vacuum cleaners to suck up carbon dioxide and store it underground, preventing carbon emissions from causing global warming.

Reported by Agence France Presse, all over the worldAnnual storage of approximately10000 tons of carbon dioxide, but this amount of carbon removal is far from the annual requirement of 70 million tons to achieve the global climate target by 2030. Climeworks plans to increase its carbon removal capacity to 1 million tons per year by 2030 and 1 billion tons by 2050.


01The First Southeast Asian Confucius Institute International Academic Conference was held

ASEAN Finance News: From May 9th to 12th, the first Southeast Asian Confucius Institute International Academic Conference was held in Bali, Indonesia. This conference is jointly organized by the Confucius Institute of Trinity University in Indonesia and the Baringkang Confucius Institute of Ganesh Normal University. The theme of the conference is "Localization, Internationalization, and Modernization of Chinese Education in the Context of Cultural Exchange between China and Southeast Asia in the Digital Intelligence Era." More than 300 people participated in the conference both online and offline.

This session has a total ofThe three sub forums of "Chinese Teaching and Research", "Local Textbooks and Teaching Methods", and "China Southeast Asian Culture" invited 19 experts from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines to give keynote speeches, and 39 young scholarsMaking a research report is a new attempt at collaborative academic activities among multiple universities.

Financial Newsletter
According to Caixin News Agency, ICSG data shows that in February 2024, global copper production was 1.779 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 2.39%; The global mining capacity is 2.292 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 7.35%.


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