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May 17th Qingqiao Morning Post | Giant billboard collapses in Mumbai, India, resulting in 14 deaths
Release time:2024-05-17 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

good morning

Facing the sea, the warm spring flowers bloom
Today in history:514 years ago today, the famous Italian painter Sandro Botticelli passed away. His representative works include "Spring" and "The Birth of Venus". He was the last painter of the early Florentine School of European Renaissance and a pioneer of Italian portrait painting. His style was highly praised by the 19th century and is considered a prelude to Raphael art.


01Record breaking outflow of New Zealand citizens

Bloomberg News: On May 14th, the New Zealand Bureau of Statistics reported that approximately 78200 citizens had left New Zealand in the 12 months ending March this year, much higher than the 74900 recorded in the 12 months ending February. The Bureau of Statistics stated that after combining data on returning citizens, the net number of outbound citizens increased to a record breaking 52500, exceeding 50000 for the first time.

It is reported that New Zealanders areTurn to Australia and other overseas markets where wages are more attractive. And while the number of outbound citizens has surged, the influx of foreign immigrants to New Zealand has also surged, as of last yearAfter reaching a peak of over 139000 people in the 12 months of October, New Zealand's net immigration has now begun to slow down. As of March this year, the net immigrant population in New Zealand has decreased for the fifth consecutive month, reaching 111145 people. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has warned that a surge in immigrant populations will increase the additional demand for housing and rental accommodation, which may exacerbate inflation.


military affairs
01The Burmese military government claims that approximately 13 million people nationwide are eligible for enlistment

According to reports from Myanmar, on May 14th, Deputy Commander in Chief of the Myanmar Army, Suo Win, listened to a progress report on conscription in Yangon. It is reported that the first batch of new soldiers in Myanmar began training in April, but the report did not disclose the number of new recruits. The second batch of new recruits arrived at the training camp recently, completed medical examinations, and have received food, military equipment, and allowances. A spokesperson for the military government said that there are about 13 million people in Myanmar who meet the conditions for conscription, but the military can only train about 50000 new recruits annually.

It is reported that since the Myanmar military launched a coup to seize power three years ago, it has been facing resistance from anti coup organizations and local ethnic armed groups, and its military strength has been severely weakened. The military government announced its implementation in February this yearThe People's Military Service LawAll males aged 18 to 35 and females aged 18 to 27 are required to serve for at least two years. But local media in Myanmar reported that young people were kidnapped or forced to join the military on the streets of Yangon and other cities. However, the military government denies that the troops have kidnapped civilians to join the military, stating that it is "false information".



01Malaysia's unemployment rate remained at 3.3% in March

Kuala Lumpur Comprehensive News,On May 10th, data showed that,Malaysia this yearThe unemployment rate in March remained at 3.3%, with 566600 unemployed people, a decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous month.Among them, the unemployment rate for young people aged 15 to 24 is 10.6%, with a population of 306300 people; The unemployment rate for young people aged 15 to 30 is 6.6%, with a population of 434500. The state with the lowest unemployment rate in Malaysia is Penang, with a recorded unemployment rate of 1.8% in March.

stayIn terms of employment numbers,MalaysiaIn March, the month on month increase was 0.1 percentage points, reaching 17.1 million people. Among them, the number of employment in the service industry continues to rise, especially in the wholesale and retail trade industry, catering industry, and information technology and communication sector. In addition, in March, the manufacturing, construction, mining, and agricultural sectorsThe number of employed people is also showing an increasing trend.MalaysiaMohamad Uzl, Chief Statistician of the Bureau of Statistics, issued a statement stating that the decrease in unemployment is attributed to the good domestic economic situation, and stable domestic demand is believed to drive economic activity and create more job opportunities in the future.

02Indonesia receives a loan from Japan to build Jakarta Metro

Jakarta Comprehensive News,May 13th, IndonesiaTotal value signed with the Japanese governmentaboutA loan agreement worth over 140 billion yen,Indonesian media reports that the funds will mainly be used for the construction of the Medan Warrior Station in Wukasi City to the Tamang Station in Jakarta West District,long24.5 kilometerscarpetLine. According to the agreement, the project will adopt Japan's expertise in underground tunnel construction, subway technology, and signal systemsTechnology.

It is understood that,The Indonesian government plans to do so this yearThe groundbreaking ceremony was held for the east-west subway line in August, but the actual construction will not begin until next year. The east-west line is divided into two stages. The first stage includes the section from Medan Warrior Station to Tamang Station mentioned above, as well as the 9.2 kilometer line west of Tamang Station.The second stage will continue to extend from both ends of the first stage to Baralaka in Bandan Province and Zhikarang District in West Java Province, with a total length of 50.4 kilometers.

The first phase of the Jakarta Metro North South Line has been completedLaunched in 2019, the project also received assistance from the Japanese government at that time. The two governments are cooperating on the second phase of the north-south line, extending the current 16 kilometer line to 28 kilometers.



01Giant billboard collapses in Mumbai, India, resulting in 14 deaths

Reuters reported that on May 13th, a giant billboard collapsed in Mumbai, the largest city in India, resulting in 14 deaths and 75 injuries. Local media reported that Bombay was hit by strong wind and rainstorm that day, which led to a billboard being blown down by strong wind and hit a gas station. It is estimated that 25 people and several vehicles were buried in the ruins, and rescue workers used cranes and other equipment to carry out rescue.

Local media claims that the billboard is long70 meters wide and 50 meters wide, equivalent to the size of an Olympic swimming pool, the giant billboard was illegally installed. The Mumbai police have launched an investigation into the advertisementThe owner of the card will be held criminally responsible.

02Baltimore Port is expected to resume full navigation this month

Baltimore Comprehensive News,On May 13th, at the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, the US Army Corps of Engineers carried out controlled blasting work on the collapsed section. The Army Corps of Engineers stated that the purpose of the detonation was to blast a damaged section of the bridge's support into small pieces, which were then lifted and towed away by the salvage team using cranes and barges. The trapped container ship Dali could then be resurfaced and removed. It may take another two days to complete the demolition and removal of the large ship. Baltimore Port is expected to fully resume operations this month.

On March 26th, the Singapore registered container ship Dali collided with the pier of the bridge due to loss of power, causing the bridge to collapse. At that time, eight workers who were working on the bridge fell into the water, two were rescued, and the other six unfortunately died. The Port of Baltimore, where the Francis Scott Key Bridge is located, is one of the largest ports in the United States and an important hub for the automotive industry. The transportation volume of agricultural and construction machinery, sugar, and gypsum ranks first in the United States. The Maryland government estimates that rebuilding the bridge will cost $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion and is expected to be completed by the fall of 2028. Last month, US President Biden promised to rebuild the bridge at all costs, and the federal government will bear the cost of the reconstruction. The government has so far disbursed $60 million in emergency funds.


01Cambodia's precious cultural relics will be transported to France for restoration and exhibition

According to the Cambodian China Times, recently, the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Arts pointed out that the 1000 year old statue of Vishnu and 39 fragments from the Ximeiben Temple will be transported to the French Museum Research and Restoration Center. The French Museum Research and Restoration Center will conduct restoration and research on cultural relics to understand the clever techniques of giant bronze statues from the Angkor period, and the research results will be widely distributed. In addition, the French side will also attempt to piece together the statue of Vishnu and 39 fragments from a different location through 3D drawing.

The authorities emphasize that after completing the restoration and research, the cultural relics will be exhibited at a French museum in mid next year, and Cambodia will thenLend out 126 bronze statues for exhibition. After the exhibition, this batch of cultural relics will be transported to three locations in the United States for further exhibition. It is reported that this is CambodiaThe cooperation project between Puzhai and France reached in 2019 has been postponed to this day due to the impact of the epidemic.

Financial Newsletter
The Wall Street Journal reported that recently, the net long positions in major natural gas contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange and the Intercontinental Exchange increased by over 150%, totaling 30590 lots to 50455 lots.


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