Qingqiao Information


Qingqiao ASEAN Information March 26
Release time:2023-03-26 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:
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China Myanmar Thailand Newsletter

To combat crimes such as human trafficking and fraud, the trilateral public security leaders of China, Myanmar, and Thailand met to make a resolution.

Vietnam Newsletter

Roasted bananas from Vietnam rank among the most delicious desserts in the world.

Vietnam Cambodia News

At the 20th meeting of the Vietnam Cambodia Joint Committee on Economic, Cultural, and Scientific and Technological Cooperation held in Hanoi, Vietnam and Cambodia agreed to continue to maintain high-level exchanges, consultations, and bilateral mechanisms in the future.

The two sides discussed the recent achievements of cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as political diplomacy, national defense, security, border defense, economy, trade, investment, transportation, education and training, culture, sports, tourism, medical and health care.

Defense and security cooperation has become an increasingly important pillar, and economic cooperation has also been a highlight of bilateral relations in recent years. The two sides agree to continue to effectively implement the agreement signed by the two countries; Strengthen security and defense cooperation; Jointly promote economic connectivity and jointly address the difficulties faced by enterprises of the two countries; Maintain stable growth in bilateral trade and investment.

They also agreed to strengthen partnerships in transportation, tourism, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, telecommunications and information technology, labor, natural resources, and the environment, while promoting cooperation between local governments and within the Cambodia Laos Vietnam (CLV) development triangle. The two sides agreed to work closely together to find, collect, and transport back the remains of Vietnamese soldiers who fell in Cambodia during the war.

Thailand News

Recently, the Thai police in Bangkok received a report from a Thai woman saying that she and her Chinese employer were kidnapped by 5-6 Thais who claimed to be police officers on March 10. The employer was eventually extorted over 1 million Thai baht. This case has attracted the attention of the Thai National Police.

According to the preliminary investigation by the police, four police officers involved in the case are all staff members of the Thai Immigration Bureau. Thai police held arrest warrants to arrest three of them, while the other one fled before being arrested and was temporarily unknown.

It is understood that among the three people arrested, one is a police major, one is a police lieutenant, and one is a senior police chief, while the fugitive police officer is at the rank of lieutenant.

Although the police have obtained relevant evidence from the informant, the three people still refuse to plead guilty. In addition to the four civil servants mentioned above, there is also a Thai citizen who participated in the crime. After that, the police will summon the person for questioning.

The Deputy Director of the Thai National Police, Surache, revealed that during the investigation of the case, the four police officers involved in the crime had been expelled. It is preliminarily speculated that these individuals have not committed the crime for the first time, and the subsequent authorities will launch further investigations. After arresting all suspects, they will be severely punished according to law.

Burma news

Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai met with Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Lieutenant General Sotu, in Naypyidaw. The two sides held discussions on increasing efforts to combat illegal cross-border criminal activities such as online fraud and gambling.

Ambassador Chen Hai pointed out that illegal cross-border criminal activities such as online fraud and gambling harm the interests and security of the people, undermine social stability and order, and affect Sino Myanmar exchanges and cooperation. The recent incidents of Chinese personnel crossing the border to Myanmar all have a background of illegal activities such as online fraud and gambling in Myanmar. It is hoped that Myanmar will attach great importance to the seriousness and harmfulness of relevant activities, further strengthen coordination and cooperation with China, intensify efforts to crack down on relevant illegal activities, and create a clear environment for Sino Myanmar friendly cooperation.

Suotu stated that Myanmar is well aware of the dangers of illegal activities such as online fraud and gambling, attaches great importance to the position repeatedly stated by the Chinese side, and has stepped up efforts to combat them. In response to the recent continuation of related illegal activities in Myanmar, Myanmar is willing to work together with China and other relevant neighbors to resolutely combat and effectively curb them, and jointly safeguard the friendly cooperation between Myanmar and China and the safety of people's lives and property.

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