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October 4th Qingqiao Morning Post | Online fraud accounts for over 50% of commercial fraud cases in Malaysia
Release time:2023-10-04 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

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The heart is like a ravine of desire, and the earth behind it is difficult to fill
Today in history:66 years ago today, humans developed and launched the first artificial Earth satellite Sputnik 1, mainly used to obtain measurement data on upper atmospheric density, radio ionospheric transmission, and other aspects, marking the beginning of the human space age.


01Thailand plans to promote a refugee screening mechanism

According to the Lianhe Zaobao, recently, the Thai Immigration Bureau said that it would implement a refugee screening mechanism, initially screening 5000 refugees and asylum seekers living in cities to help them obtain the status of "protected persons" and obtain temporary residence permits. They would be able to enjoy medical care and education opportunities in Thailand, but could not work in Thailand.

Many refugeesAsylum seekers and rights defenders have reservations about this mechanism, as it allows committees led by the police to screen asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. If this mechanism is abused, it may lead to some refugees being expelled and repatriated to their countries of origin. It is reported that Thailand is not the United NationsThe contracting parties to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees did not have a set of refugee laws or effective asylum procedures, so the Thai government has not distinguished refugees or asylum seekers from illegal immigrants.



01Cambodia and Thailand plan to jointly exploit overlapping sea resources

According to the Cambodian China Times, the Minister of Mines and Energy of Cambodia recently met with the Thai Ambassador to Cambodia. The two sides discussed strengthening energy and oil cooperation between the two countries. The Cambodian side emphasized that Cambodia is open to the issue of oil exploration in overlapping sea areas. It is reported that as early as January this year, the Thai cabinet discussed the progress of Cambodia Thailand's joint exploration of offshore oil and gas fields through a "closed door meeting". It is expected that the future cooperation between the two countries will adopt the joint exploration of overlapping sea oil and gas resources agreement reached by China and Malaysia as a draft.

According to the survey, the overlapping sea areas of Cambodia and Thailand are approximatelyAn overlapping sea area of 26000 square kilometers, four of Cambodia's six offshore oil and gas fields are located in Cambodia and ThailandOverlapping sea areas require mutual agreement between the two countries in order to jointly exploit them. Cambodia and Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding on the joint development of overlapping sea areas in 2001. However, after the Thaksin government was overthrown by military personnel, Thailand abolished the memorandum in 2009. Now, with Thaksin at the core, the Thai Party has regained power, and the two countries immediately resumed negotiations on the joint exploitation of overlapping sea areas.



01Online fraud accounts for over 50% of commercial fraud cases in Malaysia

Lianhe Zaobao reported that recently, Ayuhan, the deputy chief of police in Malaysia, said frankly at the meeting of the Commercial Crime Investigation Department that more than half of the commercial fraud reports received this year were online fraud. The development of artificial intelligence has made the fraud tactics of outlaws more sophisticated, and also brought great challenges to the police investigation. This trend is worrying.

Ayuhan also called on the police to keep up with the times, master the latest technology and knowledge, and explore effective strategies to deal with online fraud. It is reported that the Malaysian Commercial Crime Investigation DepartmentA total of 14046 operations were carried out from January to August, and 15786 people were arrested, of which 9898 have been charged. The police also conducted 8863 promotional activities related to online fraud to raise public awareness about cybersecurity.


01The International Exhibition on Digital Restoration of the Tianlongshan Grottoes in Taiyuan, China was held in Egypt

According to Xinhua News Agency, recently,Jointly organized by Taiyuan Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics and Cairo Chinese Cultural CenterBeautiful Tianlong - International Tour of Digital Restoration of Tianlong Mountain GrottoesEgyptCairo Chinese Cultural Center. This tour utilizes technology such as phantom imaging and holographic imaging to digitally reproduce scattered Tianlong Mountain statues, comprehensively showcasing the magnificent art of Tianlong Mountain Grottoes.

Egyptian Civilization MuseumDeputy CuratorRepresents,The digital restoration of the Tianlong Mountain Grottoes presents geography, historical sites, and cultureYesCome out and make it well. China's advanced practice of using modern technological means to restore and protect historical sites is worth promoting to the worldThis is also a valuable opportunity for Egyptians to deeply understand Chinese culture.This exhibition presents the beauty of the integration of Chinese and foreign art exchanges in a more realistic and perceptible way to the Egyptian people,ExtremelypromoteYesThe mutual understanding and traditional friendship between the people of China and Egypt.

Financial Newsletter
Dongfang Fortune News: Recently, all contracts for lithium carbonate futures have plummeted significantly, with the main contract LC2401 falling below the 150000 yuan/ton mark and closing down 5.87% to 149100 yuan/ton, hitting a new low since its listing. Industry authoritative experts have analyzed that the logic of a decline has not actually changed. The big logic is oversupply and the marginal cost has moved down, while the small logic is a sluggish peak season and bleak demand.


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