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From Abraham to the Origin of Israel (Part 1)
Release time:2023-10-16 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:


oneOn October 7th, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement organization Hamas announced military action against Israel, and Israel declared a "state of war". Palestinian Health Department Local TimeOctoberOn the 16th, it was stated that as of now, the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resulted in 2808 deaths and over 10950 injuries on the Palestinian side.

According to Israeli mediaI24 News local timeOctoberOn the evening of the 15th, it was reported that the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resulted in at least 1400 deaths on the Israeli side. In addition, the Israeli Times quoted sources from the Israeli Ministry of Health as reporting that as ofOctoberOn the evening of the 15th, the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has injured 3842 people in Israel, of which 369 are still receiving treatment in hospitals.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been ongoing for a hundred years, and it is a territorial dispute as well as a conflict between Hamas and the Jewish people. To understand the interweaving and collision of history and reality, one must first understand the history of the Jewish people.

The history of Jews is full of legends. They have been conquered, exiled, persecuted, and massacred multiple times, but they have never given up their beliefs and identities, always adhering to their traditional customs and maintaining their own culture. Jews are also a creative nation, and their achievements in fields such as science, philosophy, education, commerce, and culture have influenced the development process of the world.

Jews refer to people who believe in Judaism or have Jewish ancestryBelonging to the Semitic race, it originated in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula and is a nomadic people on the Euphrates River grasslands, considered close relatives to the Arabs of the Middle East. Jewish history can be traced back to BCAround 2000, their ancestor Abraham was chosen by God to become a covenant maker with God.

stayUnder the leadership of Abraham, the Semites embarked on a journey,Pursuing a more prosperous landsurvival. They followed one of the most important rivers in the Middle East at that time,The Euphrates River,Migration upstream,Crossing deserts and grasslands, crossing steep mountains and rivers, and moving forward step by step,Here we goCanaan region,NamelyIsrael, Syria, and Lebanon, and settled there.

Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, an early Jew, had twelve sons who were the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph, the youngest of them, was sold to Egypt because of the jealousy of his brothers.

In Egypt, Joseph, with his wisdom and abilities, was highly valued by Pharaoh and became the prime minister of Egypt. Later, due to a severe famine, Jacob and his entire family, totaling seventy people, came to Egypt and reunited with Joseph.

In Egypt,thisSeventy peopleGradually multiplied into a vast nation——IsraelisBut later Pharaoh forgot Joseph's kindness and began to cruelly enslave the Israelites. God heard the cry of the Israelites and sent Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from Pharaoh.

Pharaoh refused to listen, so God brought ten disasters. The last disaster was that death took the eldest son of the Egyptians, while the Israelites were protected by smearing sheep's blood on their doors. This is the origin of the Passover that Jews celebrate every year.

Later, Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites leave Egypt, but they had just left,Pharaoh regretted it and sent an army to pursue them. Faced with various challenges and dangers in the wilderness, Moses was determined to strengthen the cohesion of the nation. So he climbed Mount Sinai, met God, and founded Judaism.

God once again demonstrated his divine power here, causing the Red Sea to separate. After the Israelites passed over, they closed the Red Sea and submerged the pursuing Egyptian army. Moses led the Israelites to drift in the wilderness for forty years. During this time, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the Law on Mount Sinai, which is the basic law of Judaism, the Old Testament Bible.

After Moses' death, God sent Joshua to continue leading the Israelites into the land of Canaan, where they established their own country, which was later ruled by kings, the most famous of whom were David and Solomon.

David unified the twelve tribes of Israel and established a strong kingdom. He also moved the capital from Hebron to Jerusalem, making Jerusalem a holy city for the Jews. Solomon was the son of David, who inherited his father's kingdom and developed it to its peak.

After Solomon's death, his son Rehoboam succeeded to the throne, but he disregarded the will of the Israelites and increased their burden, leading to the division of the state of Israel. Around BCIn 930, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah split into two independent political entities. The Kingdom of Israel is located in the north with its capital in Samaria, while the Kingdom of Judah is located in the south with its capital in Jerusalem.

Northern Israel onlyIn the year 210, the country perished because the northern region was mainly plain, and it was easy to attack but difficult to defend along the way from the Golan Heights. It was also easy to be captured, and the political situation was not very stable. The loose alliance led to the final elimination by the New Assyrian Empire.

Due to the fact that the rulers and most of the residents of the Kingdom of Judah belong to the Judean tribes, they are known asThe Jews.

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