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Myanmar plans to completely eliminate online gambling fraud in northern Myanmar by 2023
Release time:2023-11-03 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Recently, spokesperson for the Myanmar National Management Council, Samin Tun, stated that the Burmese authorities are determined toBy the end of 2023, completely eliminate online gambling and fraud in the northern Myanmar region.

SatsumotonintroduceThese online gambling and fraud activities are carried out by a group of criminal, exiled fraudsters and some ethnic armed groups,governmentWill not accept any form of,The authorities will severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities that involve the use of Myanmar land and harm the interests of neighboring countries.

Geographically, the northern region of Myanmar is characterized by high mountains, dense forests, rugged terrain, and complex ethnic composition. Due to inherent conditions, it has always been a region where various forces are intertwined.

In 1948, Myanmar gained independence, but the cracks in history did not heal automatically. The central government of Myanmar has erupted multiple armed conflicts with ethnic minority armed groups around the differences in demands for national construction and the conflicts arising from the allocation of power resources, which have continued to this day.

During this process, in order to support armed survival activities, many ethnic and local armed forces used illegal industries such as drugs, jade, and timber smuggling as economic sources. In order to combat ethnic local armed forces, the government army supports the formation of various militia groups and allows them to engage in illegal economic activities. As a result, the underground economy in northern Myanmar is gradually thriving.

In 1988, the new military government of Myanmar took office and began promoting the domestic peace process. In the following years, 17 civilian militias signed ceasefire agreements with the federal government, but this was still insufficient to completely change the fragmented social order in northern Myanmar. After a series of struggles, the Burmese government had to acquiesce in the "self management" and "high degree of autonomy" of the northern part of Myanmar's territory.

In 2019, Myanmar introduced a new "Gambling Law" that allowed foreigners to legally register and operate casinos in Myanmar, further accelerating the development of online gambling in the northern region of Myanmar. Coinciding with the rapid development of global mobile communication technology, internet technology has begun to integrate with the distorted economic model of northern Myanmar, promoting gradual changes in the economic structure of the region.

In the eyes of many criminals in northern Myanmar, compared to drug trafficking, electronic fraud and online gamblingLow risk, high profit.In this way, northern Myanmar, eastern Myanmar, and other places have naturally become the hardest hit areas for telecommunications network fraud in Southeast Asia and even the world.

According to statistics, there are over a hundred fraud parks located solely on the Myawady border between Myanmar and Thailand, along with fraud groups located in some parts of northern Myanmar, totaling at least1000 parks, with over 100000 people committing telecommunications fraud every day.

The economic development of Wa State, Kokang and other regions has also begun to rely on the online gambling and fraud industry. Taking Wa State as an example, Mengneng County in Wa State has even rented out school teaching buildings to electricity fraud companies.

From August 15th to 16th, 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, the Thai Police General, the Myanmar Police Headquarters, and the Lao Ministry of Public Security jointly held a special cooperative crackdown on "gambling fraud" and related crimes such as human trafficking, kidnapping, and illegal detention in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is believed that only by cracking down on these related behaviors together and the entire chain, can we truly achieve the effect of eradication and cut off the criminal industry chain.

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