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At the beginning of the new year, Vietnamese license plates were sold for a sky high price of millions of dollars
Release time:2024-01-06 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Comprehensive VietnamAccording to VTC News, Vietnam Posts, and Saigon Times, on January 1st, a conference was held in Vinh Phuc Province, northern VietnamLicense plateNumber bidding, license plate number88A-666.66 was ultimately paid 29.43 billion Vietnamese dong by someone,approximately amount toThe sky high bid of 1.209 million US dollars was successful.

For Vietnamese people, license plate numbers88A-666.66 is considered a symbol of abundant wealth. Therefore, starting from 9:30 am auction, in just 5 minutes, the license plate number 88A-666.66 was bid for 7 billion Vietnamese dong,approximately amount to288 thousanddollarSubsequently, the bidding price quickly skyrocketed to11 billion Vietnamese dong,approximately amount to452000 US dollars, sold at 10:00 with 29.43 billion Vietnamese dong.There is also a license plate belonging to Beining Province in this auction99A-688.88 is also worth 3.745 billion Vietnamese dong,approximately amount to154000 US dollarsTake a picture.

License plate number88A-666.66 is the second highest price auctioned in recent license plate auctions in Vietnam, second only to a license plate number 51K-888.88 in Ho Chi Minh City on September 15, 2023. At that time, this license plate number was worth over 32 billion Vietnamese dong,approximately amount toThe bid for 1.315 million US dollars was successful.

However, the ultimate winner did not make the payment to take away the license plate. License plate number51K-888.88 returned to the auction market on October 21, 2023 for 15.27 billion Vietnamese dong,approximately amount toA transaction of 627500 US dollars was made.

Vietnam has long been affected bycountryCultural influence, with many cultural traditions similar to China, such as the Spring Festival and the use of the lunar calendar. Vietnamese history books and ancient official documents are written in Chinese characters, and ancient Vietnamese officials even felt ashamed of not knowing Chinese characters.

In the folk, Vietnamese people are concerned aboutnumberTheir preferences are roughly the same as those of Chinese people,2. 3, 6, 8, and 9 are all very popular. Among them, the number 2 represents the meaning of "sprouting" and "harmony". In ordinary Vietnamese households, decorations are always paired in pairs.

number3 is related to Buddhist culture, and Vietnamese people use 3 incense sticks when worshipping gods and Buddhas. In Vietnam, the number 3 also carries the meaning of wealth. For example, the number 8386 is considered to be "wealth and wealth".

number6 represents wealth and prosperity in Vietnam. The number 8 has always been considered the luckiest number by Vietnamese people, symbolizing prosperity and success. Therefore, most people are willing to spend more money on phones and license plate numbers with the number 8. The number 9 represents longevity, eternity, and perfection.

VietnampeopleThey are also very superstitious about this kind of lucky number. Some license plate numbers are several times more expensive than the price of the car, and some beautiful numbers can even fetch tens of thousands or even millions of dollars at auction.

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