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The Cameron Plateau: the largest British tea plantation hidden in Asia
Release time:2024-02-11 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

In the heart of the Malaysian Peninsula, there is a unique Kamalon Plateau hidden deep. It is located in the northwest of Pahang State and is the smallest county in West Malaysia, with a total area of712 square kilometers. This place stands in stark contrast to the humid and hot climate of Southeast Asia, with continuous high-altitude mountains, jungle paths resembling mazes, and endless tea gardens. The climate is as cool and comfortable as spring all year round. It is worth mentioning that the architectural style here retains the characteristics of the colonial era. Strolling through it, it feels like being in a small European town. Therefore, the Cameron Plateau is also known as the "Asian Little Britain".

The Kamalon Plateau has nine simple and peaceful urban and rural areas, which have long been the home of the indigenous Malay people. untilIn 1885, a British man named William Cameron came here to survey the terrain. The mysterious and beautiful plateau under the cover of these mountains became known to the world, and it was named the "Cameron Plateau" thereafter. This place is surrounded by drizzle and fog all year round, and hidden among the green mountains and waters are the small wooden houses of the indigenous people, forming a beautiful picture.

Due to the influence of terrain, the temperature on the Kamalon Plateau has always been maintained atAround 20 degrees Celsius, the water mist is hazy, giving people a cool and moist feeling. Therefore, the crops planted here are also different from those in the equatorial region, mainly temperate crops. The Kamalon Plateau is one of the largest tea gardens in Malaysia, known not only for its tea gardens but also for planting hundreds of tropical flowers. Various gardens such as rose gardens, cactus gardens, and lavender gardens provide excellent flower viewing destinations for people.

In addition, this place is rich in various vegetables and fruits such as strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes, and lettuce, and the produced black tea and honey are also highly praised and exported in large quantities to various parts of the world. Many people specially come to the Jinmalun Plateau to taste the strawberries and tea, and feel the unique charm of this land. Strolling on the streets of the small town, I occasionally pass by the local indigenous people, carrying bamboo baskets filled with fruits and vegetables or humming traditional folk songs, feeling calm and contented.

Nowadays, the Kumaran Highlands have become a famous summer destination on the Malay Peninsula. amongThe No. 9 Tea House Trail connects Danarata Town with Robinson Falls, exuding a rich aroma of tea and a rural atmosphere. It is an excellent place for visitors to take a walk and jog. And No. 10 Tea Garden Road is even more accessible to the mountains and forests, making it the perfect choice for outdoor hiking, camping, and picnics.

Time flies, and the mountains, mist, tea gardens, as well as the footsteps of the British, the songs of the indigenous people, and the smiles of tourists, intertwine to create a charming atmosphere on this plateau.

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