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Hotspot Event Tracking - Recent Increase in Juvenile Delinquency in Australia
Release time:2024-06-03 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

On April 13th, a shocking knife killing occurred at the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping center in Sydney, Australia. Australian Prime Minister Albanese expressed shock at the bloody incident. However, as the country mourned, Melbourne also experienced a series of criminal incidents such as youth brawls and armed robbery.

It is understood that Australia is one of the countries with the strictest gun and knife control, and such attacks have been very rare in the past. HoweverIn recent years, juvenile delinquency in various parts of Australia has shown an upward trend. Qingqiao Vision will provide a detailed analysis of recent juvenile delinquency incidents:

The incident of Christ's Good Shepherd Church wielding knives and chopping people

On April 15th, while the Church of Christ in Weckley, Sydney was broadcasting a worship service, a young man suddenly attacked the bishop and others with a knife. One bishop was stabbed in the attack, and three other men were also injured in the attack.

After the attack,More than 500 angry citizens attempted to enter the church and were sentenced to lynching for the juvenile involved. The police eventually dispatched more than 100 police officers to handle the riot, resulting in 30 more injuries.

Woodgrove shopping center brawl incident

On April 15th, just two days after the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping center tragedy, a group of teenagers wielding machetes engaged in a brawl at the Woodgrove shopping center in Melton, western Melbourne, causing frightened shoppers to flee the mall. Witnesses criticized, police and security personnel responded slowly, and the shopping center did not even activate evacuation alerts.


Highpoint Shopping Center knife injury case

On April 21st, a knife injury occurred inside the Highpoint shopping center in the western suburbs of Melbourne

Item. The incident occurred in the afternoonAround 2:30, the location is outside a restaurant in the center. The perpetrator and victim were both teenagers, and they had a physical altercation outside the restaurant. Subsequently, one of the young people drew a knife and stabbed the other person before escaping.

After the rescue personnel arrived, the injured young man was urgently sent to the Royal Melbourne Hospital for treatment. It is understood that although his injury is severe, fortunately his condition is relatively stable.

Wellington, South Perth SuburbA 16-year-old boy injured someone with a knife and was shot dead by the police

On May 4th, in the southern suburbs of Perth, the capital of Western Australia, Wellington, a 16-year-old boy was injured with a knife. Two police officers used electric guns on the boy but were unable to subdue him, ultimately resulting in his death.

Western Australian police chief Blanche said that the young man attacked the police with a large kitchen knife and refused to let go of the weapon. The police then opened fire.

According to data from the Australian Bureau of Crime StatisticsThe number of juvenile delinquency incidents between the ages of 14 and 17 has been increasing year by year in recent years. Among them, cases of personal injury, assault, serious burglary, car theft, and robbery are all on the rise.

The youthfulness of juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon, and many countries and regions are facing similar problems. With the rapid changes in society and the rapid development of technology, teenagers are facing more and more temptations and challenges, which makes it easier for them to embark on the path of crime. Therefore, the international community needs to work together, strengthen cooperation, and jointly address this challenge.

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