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Tenable announces vulnerability data contextualization at Black Hat 2024 conference
Release time:2024-08-27 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

stayBlack Hat 2024At the conference,TenableAnnounce the provision of additionalContext drivenFunction, this onefunctionadoptTenableThe vulnerability management tool andTenable OneandTenable Cloud SecurityImplemented by contextualizing vulnerability data in the platform.These features are specifically designed to determine vulnerability priority and responseThat is, the so-calledVulnerability IntelligenceandExposure response.

Tenable is from the United StatesA company dedicated to risk exposure managementnetwork securitylisted company, mainlyWith professional expertise in vulnerabilities, a platform has been launched to detect and protect digital asset risks on various computing platformsAssist global enterprises in understanding and reducing cybersecurity risks.businessMainly covering vulnerability risk managementTheExternal attack surface managementTheIndustrial network security, MicrosoftADDomain control securityandCloud native security solutionAmong themVulnerability Management SolutionupperGlobal market sharerankingfirst.

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Black Hattwo thousand and twenty-fouran assembly

Tenable's main products include Tenable OneRisk exposure management platformTenable Nessus, Tenable Security Center, Tenable Attack Surface Management, Tenable OT Security, Tenable Identity Exposure, and Tenable Cloud Security. Among them, Tenable OneThe platform provides a wide range of vulnerability coverage, coveringITAssets, cloud resources, containersWebApplication programs and identity systemsIntended to help businesses gain visibility across the entire modern attack surface, focus on preventing potential attacks, and accurately communicate cybersecurity risks to support business performance.And Tenable Cloud SecurityIt is a unified cloud native security application protection platform(CNAPPIt can strengthen all aspectsAWSTheAzureandGCPCloud computing service platformEnvironmental safety protectionReduce complexity and minimize cloud risk exposure through comprehensive asset discovery and in-depth risk analysis, as well as runtime threat detection and complianceetc..

as report goes,TenableannounceofScenario based vulnerability data functionalityThe core purpose is to enable user organizations to prioritize vulnerabilities based on comprehensive contextual information and take corresponding response measures. This helps organizations concentrate resources on addressing the most critical security issues and reducing potential security threats.

TenableIn its vulnerability management tools andTenable OneandTenable Cloud SecurityThis feature is integrated into the platform. By providing contextual information from various internal and external channels, including the company's asset inventory, network architecture, business processes, security policies, etc,And the scope of the vulnerability's impact, potential risks, possible attack routes, etc., used toHelp organizations gain a more comprehensive understanding of the severity of vulnerabilities. This feature also includes the so-calledVulnerability intelligence "can assign a" contextualized "rating or priority to vulnerabilities based on their severity, likelihood of exploitation, and threat trends specific to a particular industry or technology. This scoring mechanism helps companies quickly identify which vulnerabilities are most likely to have a substantial impact on their business and prioritize fixing them. Based on vulnerability intelligence,TenableThe vulnerability data contextualization function can also automatically generate or recommend corresponding response measures, such as emergency patches, configuration changes, temporary mitigation strategies, etc., to help enterprises quickly respond to security threats.

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TenableThe engineer explained that through automated and intelligent scenario analysis, this feature can significantly reduce the need for manual intervention and accelerate vulnerability response speed. User organizations can prioritize addressing vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to their business based on comprehensive contextual information, thereby reducing potential security threats. This will provide comprehensive data support for the security team, helping them make wiser decisions to manage and reduce network security risks more effectively.

TenablestayBlack Hat 2024The vulnerability data contextualization function announced at the conference is an important manifestation of its continuous innovation in the field of network securityThis provides a new and more efficient vulnerability management approach for enterprises, by deeply integrating and analyzing vulnerability data, combined with the actual situation of the enterprise and external threat environment, to help enterprises accurately identify and prioritize high-risk vulnerabilities, thereby ensuring the information security and business continuity of the enterprise. This feature not only enhances the organization's ability to manage and respond to security vulnerabilities, but also sets a new benchmark for the entire industry. With the increasing complexity and variability of network threats, this contextualized security management approach will become one of the important trends in the future field of network security.

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