Qingqiao Information


Cross border data between China and Europe is officially established, with cross-border data security being a key focus
Release time:2024-09-13 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

eightmonthtwenty-sevenThe China Europe Cross border Data Flow Exchange MechanismFormally establish and hold the first meeting. Wang Jingtao, Deputy Director of the State Internet Information Office of China, and Sabin, Director General of the General Department of Trade of the European Commission·Wei Ende attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, officially announcing the establishment of the China Europe Cross border Data Flow Exchange Mechanism.

According to reports, this timeThe meeting had in-depth discussions on the specific problems encountered by Chinese and European enterprises in the process of cross-border data flow, aiming to understand the actual needs and challenges faced by both sides of the enterprise.andWe had in-depth discussions on the regulatory framework for cross-border data flow, exploring how to promote the free flow and effective utilization of data while protecting data security and personal privacy.Both parties have reached a consensus to further strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the field of cross-border data flow, and jointly promote the establishment of a more comprehensive regulatory system for cross-border data flow. The meeting laid a solid foundation for further in-depth cooperation, and both sides will continue to exchange relevant policies and practices through holding meetings and other means to promote cross-border data flow between China and Europe.


With the acceleration of globalization and the vigorous development of the digital economy,Cross border data flow is of great significance for promoting global trade, investment, and innovationHas becomeInternational Economic CooperationImportant issues.Central Europe asThe two major economies in the world and an important force in the digital economy,Cross border data flow cooperation plays a crucial role in promoting the development of the global digital economy. In order to promote cross-border data flow between China and Europe and strengthen cooperation in the field of data governance, the China Europe Cross border Data Flow Exchange Mechanism has emerged.The formal establishment of the China Europe Cross border Data Flow Exchange Mechanism and the launch of its first meeting are important milestones in the cooperation between the two sides in the field of cross-border data flow.This mechanism aims to exchange relevant policies and practices, enhance mutual trust, reduce misunderstandings, and promote the smooth cross-border flow of data between China and Europe through regular meetings and other means.

Cross border data flow brings opportunities, but also comes with data security risks. These risks may harm the development opportunities for enterprises to develop and utilize data resources, and limit the enhancement of competitiveness in the digital industry and digital economy. Governments and businesses around the world have reached a consensus on the value and significance of data resources. How to effectively regulate rapidly developing digital technologies and digital trade to ensure the security of cross-border data flows,alsoBecoming an important topic for cooperation in data circulation between China and Europe.

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inIn recent years, China has successively introduced the Cybersecurity Law》《Data Security Law》《Personal Information Protection Law》《A series of laws and regulations, such as the "Measures for Security Assessment of Data Export" and the "Regulations on Promoting and Regulating Cross border Data Flow", have been established to build a more comprehensive legal system for data protectionProvided clear legal compliance and regulatory guidance for cross-border data flow. At the same time, China actively participates in the formulation and negotiation of international data protection rules, striving to enhance its voice and influence in global data governance. On the EU side, sincetwo thousand and eighteenyearfivemonthtwenty-fiveThe General Data Protection Regulations(GDPRSince its formulation, promulgation, and implementation, this regulation has played an important role in improving the global level of personal data protection and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of personal data subjectsThe EU also passedWhite ListThe system strictly manages the flow of external data.

Data security experts say that,The importance of cross-border data flow governance stems from the inherent fluidity of data and the multidimensional value attached to it. Data not only plays a crucial role in the economic field, but also carries core information in social, cultural, and political fields. Under the wave of digital globalization, cross-border data flows have effectively promoted the interconnectivity of the global economy, greatly driving innovation and development in industries such as trade, finance, and technology. But this process is also accompanied by a series of security risks that cannot be ignored, such as possible cyber attacks, foreign exchange fluctuations, data breaches, etc., which will pose serious challenges to national security, economic development, and personal privacy protection.

Therefore, while enjoying the huge benefits brought by cross-border data flow, we must also be aware of its potential risks. We need to improve our technological capabilities, clarify data ownership, enhance regulatory efficiency, deepen international cooperation, continuously improve the governance mechanism of cross-border data flow, enhance data governance efficiency, and better promote cooperation and development between both parties.

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