Qingqiao Information


Confirmed eye contact ", the future blue ocean - the advantages of iris recognition compared to other biometric recognition
Release time:2024-12-20 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

fromone thousand nine hundred and ninety-twoAfter the birth of the first iris recognition technology patent in, the development of iris recognition technologytwo thousand and oneDuring the year, it was relatively slow, mainly due to the lack of urgent demand for high security identity verification technology in society at that time. In that era, the world was relatively peaceful and stable, and terrorism had not yet become a major threat to global security.

However,two thousand and oneYear's“nine·eleven”The incident became a turning point, as the rampant terrorism brought about significant changes in the global security situation. Terrorists successfully entered the United States using forged identity documents, exposing significant loopholes in the identity screening process. This incident has prompted the US government and countries around the world to pay attention to and strengthen the research and application of identity verification technology. Iris recognition technology is gradually emerging in this context, moving from theoretical research to practical applications and gradually towards commercial applications.

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The unique advantage of iris recognition technology is that the iris hastwo hundred and twenty-sixEach feature point has its own characteristics, including twins. At birtheighteenAfter a month, the iris is already fixed and remains unchanged for life. It is minimally affected by external climate and physical changes, and is a very stable biological feature. This determines the uniqueness of iris features, as well as the uniqueness of identity recognition.

Therefore, people have found that using iris as a password has better long-term security. In widely used biometric technologies such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, there are risks of password expiration such as forgery and destruction. For example, fingerprints are prone to wear and tear, while facial recognition is affected by makeup, plastic surgery, and facial expressions and postures under different lighting conditions. The medical difficulty and surgical risk of changing iris features are very high, and the iris is a living organ with subtle dynamic features that can be used for live authentication, making it extremely difficult to forge irises.


Compared to fingerprints, faces, etc., it is possible to3DNew technologies such as printing mimic and replicate biometric features. The iris is controlled by the optic nerve, blood vessels, and muscle tissue, and the frequency of pupil dilation and tremors may change at any time. With current technological development, replication is basically impossible. In comparison, iris recognition technology has more difficult to forge characteristics than fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, making it very suitable for high security level strong identity authentication. Meanwhile,Iris recognition adopts a non-contact method to avoid discomfort and disease transmission risks that may arise from contact with the device,Becoming an important technology among existing biometric recognition technologies that balances high security and scalability.

Iris recognition technology differs from other biometric technologies in terms of recognition principles, recognition methods, and technical difficulties, and has advantages such as high uniqueness, high stability and anti-counterfeiting, non-contact recognition, and wide application prospects. These advantages make iris recognition technology important and widely applicable in the field of biometric recognition.

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Copyright: Qingqiao International Security Group     备案号:鄂ICP备2021010908号

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