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Vietnam's bird's nest has an annual production of 200 tons and an export value of approximately 450 million US dollars
Release time:2023-06-28 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Recently, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has released a new signal for the bird's nest industry in Vietnam. As ofIn 2022, Vietnam had over 23600 bird's nest farms nationwide, with an annual bird's nest production of approximately 200 tons, of which 120 tons were exported, with an export value of approximately 450 million US dollars. Vietnam is actively expanding its export channels to China, which is expected to add higher value to Vietnam's bird's nest economy.




Bird's nest refers to the nest made of saliva secreted by some swifts of the Apodiformes family and several swifts of the Aerodramus genus and mixed with other substances, also known asYancaiYan root, Yan vegetable. Bird's nest can be divided intoHouse Swallow and“Dong Yan”There are two types of swallows, the cave swallow, which have different colors due to the influence of minerals, including white swallow, yellow swallow, and red swallow, while the house swallow only has one color, ivory white.


Bird's nest is rich in sugarsOrganic acidsfree amino acid And characteristic substances——Sialic acidIt is widely regarded as a top-notch tonic and one of the most expensive foods in the world.


Several bird species that produce bird nests mainly live in large limestone caves on Southeast Asian islands or near the sea. From Quảng Bình province Province in central Central Vietnam to Phú Quốc on the Cambodian coast in the Gulf of Thailand, these islands are the natural habitats of swifts.


Vietnam has approximately 50 Golden Swallow Islands, with over 180 Golden Swallow nesting caves. As of now, approximately 9000 households in 42 out of 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam are engaged in bird's nest production, and the number is continuously increasing. In particular, Khánh Hòa province in Vietnam has the largest number of islands inhabited by swifts in the country, and the bird's nest in Khánh Hòa province Province is also rated as the best bird's nest in Vietnam.


Data display, as ofIn 2022, as of 2022, there were over 23600 bird's nest farms in Vietnam, with an annual bird's nest production of approximately 200 tons and an export volume of 120 tons, with an export value of approximately 450 million US dollars. Among them, China is the most important exporter of Vietnamese bird's nest. The Vietnam Golden Swallow Breeding Association stated that it is expected that by 2025, Vietnam will export over 100 tons of unprocessed bird's nest to China annually, generating revenue of over 150 million US dollars, and the remaining will be exported to consumer markets such as Singapore and the United States.


However, it is worth noting that,In 2022, China officially imported 451.6 tons of bird's nest,Including imports from Indonesia291.8 tons, 159.8 tons imported from Malaysia. Bird's Nest in VietnamalthoughIt has been exported to China,But its market share in China is very small. Vietnam wants to achieveThe goal of exporting 100 tons of bird's nest in the Chinese market by 2025 requires significant efforts.


In fact, due to the impact of the epidemic, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the General Administration of Customs of China signed a protocol on the inspection, quarantine, and hygiene conditions of bird's nest products imported from Vietnam to China untilIt will officially take effect on November 9, 2022.


The Vietnam Farm and Agricultural Enterprise Association stated that compared to world-renowned bird's nest producing countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia, Vietnam's bird's nest started relatively late untilIndustrialization only began in 2004 and entered major bird's nest consumer markets such as China very late. Currently, it is normal for Vietnam's bird's nest market share to be low.


But Vietnam has numerous habitats for the golden swallow and is a natural habitat for bird's nests in the world. After opening the door to trade with China, Vietnam's bird's nest industry is about to face huge development opportunities. At the same time, Vietnam will actively explore the markets of Singapore, the United States, and Europe, vigorously promote the modernization and standardization of the bird's nest industry, ensure product quality, improve the operational efficiency of related enterprises, and strive to achieve the goal of exporting bird's nest productsA revenue of $1 billion.

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