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East Timor's election results are announced, with Gusm ã o leading the National Congress Party as the winner
Release time:2023-05-26 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

On May 21st, East Timor held its fifth national election since independence. According to data released by the Election Commission, the National Reconstruction Congress of East Timor led by the first President of East Timor, Gusm ã o, won 41.6% of the vote. The Fretilin, the main opponent of the Congress Party and the former leader of the ruling coalition, ranked second with 25.7% of the support rate, and the remaining votes were shared by 15 other political parties.


It is reported that the vote was taken from local timeStarting from 7am on May 21st and ending at 3pm, the vote counting will begin. Approximately 784000 registered voters cast their votes on the participating political parties at 885 polling centers and 1160 polling stations nationwide. A total of 17 political parties participated in the election, competing for 65 seats in parliament. Only political parties with a vote rate of over 4% are eligible to obtain seats. The party that has obtained the overwhelming majority of seats in the parliamentary election or the List of political groups by country that holds the majority of seats in the parliament has the right to nominate the candidate for the prime minister, and the general reason is that the president appoints him.




East Timor is located at the eastern end of the Nusa Tenggara Islands, adjacent to Indonesia, with a land area of15000 square kilometers, divided into 13 regions, with a total of 65 counties, 443 townships, and 2236 villages; The total population is approximately 1.32 million, of which 78% are indigenous.


Before the independence of East Timor, Gusm ã o led the revolution and fought for independence from Indonesia. He was revered as the father of East Timor and the Asian Mandela.In 2002, after East Timor regained independence, Gusm ã o was elected as its first president. In 2007, Gusm ã o established the Congress Party and served as Prime Minister in the same year, until his resignation in 2015.


Timor-Lesteofnational councilimplementThe Unicameralism, representing all citizens, exercises the power to formulate laws, supervise the government and make political decisions,Members of parliament are elected by universal suffrage for a term of office5 years. At present, the ruling coalition in the parliament is composed of the Fretilin, the Democratic Party, the People's Liberation Party and the People's Unity Prosperity Party Party. The National Reconstruction Congress Party of East Timor is the largest opposition party in the parliament.


The Constitution of East Timor stipulates that if no political party wins more than half of the seats, the party with the highest vote rate will have the right to establish a coalition government. The Congress Party won the election31 seats, required to form a coalition government with one or more political parties, which means that if 76 year old Gusm ã o can form a coalition government, it is expected to regain power.


So far, East Timor is one of the least developed countries in the world, and most of its material resources rely on foreign aid. Agriculture is an important part of Economy of East Timor's economy66% of the households are engaged in agricultural activities, and more than 80% of the population rely on agricultural production. However, the level of agricultural modernization is low. Slash-and-burn farming is widely used, and food cannot be self-sufficient. East Timor's industrial foundation is also relatively weak, mainly relying on exports of oil and natural gas.


2021 East Timorgross domestic product1.96 billion US dollars,Per capita Gross Domestic Product1458 US dollars,economic growth rate4.4%. In recent years, East Timor has been striving to promote economic diversification and reduce its dependence on oil and natural gas.


Many voters hope on the day of the vote that the next government will focus on addressing poverty and improving local infrastructure. Gusm ã oOn May 21st, he stated that he is ready to serve as Prime Minister and can build this country better than before.


The United States has expressed its support for the election in East Timor, stating that it was a free, fair, and transparent election. This election reflects the determination of the East Timorese people towards democracy and a peaceful political process, and is also an inspiration for global democracy.

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