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"Three steps" to break out of a blue ocean
Release time:2023-01-19 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Located on the shores of Wuhan's East Lake and in the hinterland of China's Optics Valley, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Southern Engineering Co., Ltd., like this innovative hot land, has its own unique development genes, and has continued to write one "infrastructure myth" after another for decades.

From the endless Gobi Desert to the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, from the bustling city to the sparsely populated mountains, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Southern Engineering Co., Ltd. has participated in engineering projects all over the country.

In 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed. As a century project carrying the mission of the times, the construction of the "Belt and Road" has opened a new page in the process of world development. Taking advantage of the spring breeze of the "Belt and Road", China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Southern Engineering Co., Ltd. actively implements the "going out" strategy, vigorously expands overseas projects, enters ASEAN and bravely enters Europe.

From the vanguard of the domestic railway construction enterprise "Four Electricity" to the pioneer of international cooperation in railway construction, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group South Engineering Co., Ltd. has demonstrated the "hardcore" strength of large central enterprises.

From Wuhan to the whole country

On November 2019, 11, a high-speed railway "flew" all the way from Wuhan, which is connected to nine provinces, all the way over the Qinba Mountains, so that many counties and cities in northwest Hubei bid farewell to the history of no high-speed rail. The Wuhan-Shiyan high-speed railway station is built by the Southern Company of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau.

Wuhan Metro Line 5, the first fully automated driverless line in Wuhan, is undertaken by the Southern Company of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau for Line 5 signal installation project, which is also the company's first signal installation project in Wuhan.

The headquarters of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Southern Company is located in Wuhan Donghu High-tech Zone. In this vibrant hot land, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Southern Company has brought strong genes of innovation and entrepreneurship since its birth.

From Wuhan to the inner cities and prefectures of Hubei Province, from the central region to the whole country, the Southern Company of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau has gone from Wuhan to the whole country, and the projects have blossomed all over the country and spread all over China.

Among the four poles of China's southeast, southwest and northwest, Fuyuan is the easternmost pole in China and the place where the sunrise is the earliest, and Fuyuan is one of the counties under the jurisdiction of Jiamusi. As the "first city in the East" and "the first prefecture-level city in China to see the sun", Jiamusi has become a bridgehead and hub station for the "Belt and Road" initiative to open up to Russia and Northeast Asia.


Gangeen wrist arm installation near the Great Usmin Cave of the Geku Railway

On September 2018, 9, the new Harbin-Jiamusi railway was officially put into operation. This railway, which embodies the hard work, wisdom and sweat of countless people, has shortened the distance between Jiamusi and Harbin and the areas along the line, ended the history of no trains in some areas along the line, and this railway has also become a new bridge connecting Northeast China to Russia.

During the construction of the Harbin-Jiamusi Railway, China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Southern Engineering Co., Ltd. undertook the arduous task of the construction of the four electric buildings of the Harbin Railway. On the first rapid railway in China's alpine region, the employees of the Southern Company fought the cold with surging enthusiasm and wrote a moving stroke in the history of China's railway construction.

Shanghai Rail Transit Line 12 won the <>th China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Award

On September 2020, 9, with the D27 "Hulk" EMU train leaving Qingyuan Station heading towards Shanghai, the Quning Railway was officially opened for operation. China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Southern Company undertook the construction of the Zhejiang section of the Quning Railway four-power system integration and related projects.

The Quning Railway is located in the mountainous area of Zhejiang and Fujian, with steep mountain walls and deep river valleys along the line, long span and great difficulty, harsh geological conditions in the mountains, and extremely inconvenient material transportation. During the construction of the four-electric system integration project, the Southern Company of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau once used the most primitive mule and horse transportation method to transport some important equipment and materials to the mountains.

Overcoming difficulties and digging roads in every mountain, China Railway Jianren forged a rapid railway leading to green and happiness among the lofty mountains.

"Three steps" step by step

A hundred rivers facing the sea, popular more than ; Although the road is far away, there is no one who is missing.

China Railway Construction put forward the "three-step" strategy: unswervingly go out, go deep and meticulous, and walk up with confidence.

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd., China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Southern Company has been actively practicing the "going out" strategy and striving to be the main force and vanguard of the "going out" strategy.

The road ahead is long, the scenery is good, and it is necessary to advance solidly. How to "go out" and go more steadily and further, China Railway Jianren is constantly exploring and thinking. Ideas determine the way out, overseas priority strategy, ideas must go first. It is necessary to truly establish an understanding of the importance of giving priority to overseas in ideology, with ideological priority as the soul, resource priority as the spear, policy priority as the foundation, and guarantee priority as the basis.

Localization and localization are the basic ways for enterprises to "go in". Enterprises should deeply integrate with the local society, government and people, establish permanent companies, take root, operate for a long time, be familiar with local laws and regulations, customs, customs, trading rules, abide by local laws and customs, fulfill social responsibilities, establish brands, win the hearts of the people, gain reputation, and really walk in.

Establish great aspirations, seek the overall situation, and develop greatly. Under the leadership of Chinese embassies abroad, Chinese enterprises should actively connect with the local government at the high end, and formulate business strategies according to what the local government has, lacks and wants to do. It is necessary to actively participate in the docking and exchange of mainstream society, financial institutions and well-known companies, and obtain opportunities for group development and win-win cooperation.

Thousands of tall buildings start from the soil, do not accumulate steps, and can not reach a thousand miles. When enterprises "go global", they need to promote implementation step by step and grasp the results bit by bit. With the great opportunity of the "Belt and Road" construction, China Railway Construction has sounded the continuous charge of overseas priority strategy, riding on the momentum and following the trend. We have reason to believe that in the near future, China Railway Jianren will surely open up a "blue ocean" of overseas markets.

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