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Lanhe digital 3D printing will impact the dental industry.
Release time:2023-01-19 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:

Globally, dentistry is recognized as a highly profitable industry.

Taking dental implants as an example, implants are basically monopolized by international giants, most countries lack bargaining power, and foreign-funded enterprises represented by Sweden's Noble Biocare, Switzerland's Strauman, and Dentsply Friadent in the United States occupy more than 90% of the global market share.

"Everyone has a heart for beauty", bright eyebrows and teeth have always been considered the "standard" of beauty. There is a demand and there is a market, and the heart of beauty has brought huge market opportunities. More and more beauty seekers are beginning to seek invisible braces. Compared with traditional wire braces, invisible braces are more comfortable, beautiful and safe, and patients wearing braces are no longer patients with dental problems such as buck teeth and ground bags. Small problems such as misalignment and sparse teeth should also be corrected with braces. After all, the first step to beauty starts with braces.

Data shows that the total annual dental consumption in the United States is as high as $1110 billion, accounting for about 4% of the overall medical consumption, which is a high proportion. Moreover, the penetration rate of orthodontics in the United States aged 5-19 is close to 10%, and the penetration rate of over 20 years old is more than 2%, compared with only 0.78% penetration in the Chinese market.

In 2020, China's invisible orthodontic market has become the second largest market in the world. The number of invisible orthodontic cases in China increased from 2016,47 in 800 to 2020,303 in 900, with a compound annual growth rate of 58.8%.

Each tooth is a personalized non-standard product, and at present, more than 90% of all kinds of dental terminal products in the world, tooth preparation data, mold reconstruction, and modification are not digitally produced. If you look at various dental processing factories and hospitals, you can see that this traditional manufacturing process is very primitive. It is just a delicate quantitative variation of the Chinese Shangzhou mold injection process.

The differentiated answer given by additive manufacturing company Lanhe is to use 3D printing technology to enable.

Lanhe Lanhe Technology, which has been established for 8 years, is the governing unit of the industry alliance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. Additive manufacturing technology is commonly known as 3D printing. China is the first echelon in the global 3D printing field. Whether it is the research and development of equipment and materials or the marketization. This is due to the fact that China is a manufacturing powerhouse. Individualized additive manufacturing technology has a WYSIWYG cost and time advantage over standardized-based subtractive manufacturing. In addition, the real industrial application of this new technology exploded around 2016-2018. The broad manufacturing application scenarios and the ingenuity of Chinese have made this world-class technology the first to be marketed and scaled in China. Unlike other high-tech fields, people are subject to people. It is reported that the degree of marketization of China's 3D printing technology is at least 3 to 5 years ahead of other countries in many fields.

In 2021, Lanhe Company was the first to officially launch a full set of digital chairside assembly line equipment, brand Haoyue. Adopt the direct cooperation between digital series equipment and clinics to cut into the track. Relying on dozens of invention patents in 3D printing, Lanhe Intelligent creates fully digital, intelligent and information-based dental medical services through the intelligent factory composed of digital dental industry cloud and terminal matrix.

With the blessing of the core technology of 3D printing, Lanhe laid the terminal of the intelligent cloud factory directly next to the dentist's chair, shortening the implementation cycle of replacement restoration and dental aesthetic medicine from the traditional 10 days to 2 hours, shortening the production time of single products by 99%, and saving 80% of the cost. It's really desirable. Liu Ziyong, founder of Lanhe, said that technology empowerment is the ultimate solution for the dental industry. Breaking windfall profits does not rely on the system, but on technology. Taking invisible braces as an example, an ordinary doctor can master the operation method of the full set of equipment within two days. Invisible braces can be made in less than two hours. Blueland's full range of products including design and consumables. The cost is less than <>% of the market price. From oral scanning to product delivery, data is attenuated and accurate to the micron level.

Blue Hop Haoyue can also realize the printing of dental implant guides. A very important reason why dental implants are expensive is that medical treatment is difficult and there are few excellent implant doctors. According to industry estimates, at present, without relying on digital equipment, only 5% of doctors who independently complete dental implant operations in the whole industry are licensed doctors. If the 3D printing equipment developed by Lanhe Technology is used to print the surgical guide, it is equivalent to adding a ruler to the operation, as long as it is a doctor who can extract teeth and prosthesis, more than 95% can also implant teeth. Labor costs have dropped significantly.

Capturing digital differentiation will be a watershed moment for dental practitioners.

The blue model allows practitioners in this ancient industry to grasp the pulse of the times and plug in the wings of science and technology.

Lanhe Technology provides an opportunity for all practitioners to participate. From C-end consumers to hospitals and clinics, from processing plants to urban partners, Lanhe Haoyue will integrate and unite all industry business people who embrace future trends to create brilliance.

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