Qingqiao Information


Qing Qiao ASEAN Information-February Collection
Release time:2023-02-15 Source: Qingqiao Number of views:



Business: By 2030, science, technology and innovation will contribute more than 50% to agricultural growth in Vietnam

Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is working to increase the contribution of science, technology and innovation to the sector's growth by more than 2030% by 50 through research, transfer and application activities. By 2025, the number of enterprises engaged in innovation will account for 60% of all agricultural employees, reaching 2030% by 85.

Support the construction and development of at least 200 high-tech agricultural enterprises and 50-100 agro-ecological high-tech zones across the country.

Trade: Vietnamese fruit prices soared as China reopened to boost exports

Reports from agriculture and rural development departments in Gialai, Long An, An Giang and Qianjiang provinces all showed that prices for most agricultural products had soared to their highest levels since the pandemic, as exports surged due to China's reopening.

More goods exported to China means more local trade and more local processing, which means that supply exceeds demand and leads to higher prices.


Trade and Economy: FAO supports Lao farmers to increase cattle exports to China

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases, conducted a two-week training course on animal quarantine management in a new county on the Laos-Lao border. The training course aims to accelerate safer cattle trade between Laos and China and improve cattle exports to China.

The event is part of the FAO-China Greater Mekong Subregion Transboundary and Animal Disease Control South-South Cooperation Project.

In the protocol, cattle are required to quarantine for 45 days in the fattening area located in the new zone and 30 days in the quarantine area before being exported to China. The agreement was released to minimize the risk of disease transmission of foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease, two common livestock diseases in the country, up the value chain.


Politics: Indonesia prepares a roadmap for Timor-Leste to become a full member of ASEAN

Indonesia, as this year's ASEAN presidency, is developing a road map to support Timor-Leste as a full member of the regional alliance


Business: Cambodia advances cooperation with Alibaba

The Ministry of Commerce is considering signing a memorandum of understanding with Alibaba to increase exports of Cambodian agricultural products abroad.

Cambodia's Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, and the National Committee for the Promotion of One Village, One Product recently formed a joint working group to promote cooperation with Alibaba.

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